Partner in Learning Clients
Working Together

Elijah, Kangiqsualujjuaq Quebec
Student, multiple exceptionalities
Elijah lives in Kangiqsualujjuag, a small isolated Inuit village in the Eastern Arctic. Elijah has multiple disabilities; language delay, learning disability, mild hearing impairment, poor eyesight. After working with him for two years I discovered Elijah's true passion in life, to play the accordion, a Hohner accordion. Click Elijah to discover how we made his dream come true.

Goni, Vancouver B.C
ELL learner from Israel
I met Goni in the fall of his grade two year. At that time Goni was able to read and write at a Kindergarten Level. After completing various language based assessments and discovering his medical/family history, I put together a remedial plan. Click Goni to see his improvement in literacy after 3 months of remediation.

Cedar, Toronto ON
Gifted student, Grade 1
I meet Cedar in the fall of her grade 1 year. Her parents were concerned for she was bored in school. After completing various assessments, Cedar was reading and writing at a Grade 2 level. I created an enrichment remedial plan in literacy to keep her interest and engagement. This plan was also shared with the classroom teacher to strengthen that partnership between home and school.