Carrie Powers, M Ed, OCT

Partner in Learning (PIL) is a private tutoring company in Toronto that has helped elementary students excel in their studies since 2018. It specializes in helping students in Kindergarten to Grade 8 with unique learning needs in all areas of development. If your child has academic, attention, social, and/or emotional needs, PIL is here to help! What makes this company exceptional is its caring approach to learning. PIL believes in educating each child using a holistic approach and working from their strengths. Carrie, the founder, has been making a difference in her young students' lives since 1996.
With a Masters in Education with a Specialization in Learning Disabilities (LD), she is able to provide authentic informal assessments in all areas of development and complete a comprehensive education plan for each student with specific learning goals. She believes in setting up a positive and nurturing teacher-student relationship from day one. Her number one goal as a teacher/tutor is to seek attunement with individual students by discovering their strengths, needs and interests. This personalized approach helps Carrie and her students make deeper and more authentic connections to learning. Her love for children, vast teaching experience, and Master of Education in Special Education sets every child up for success. Get in touch with Carrie today to learn more about her unique Private Tutoring Service!
Partner in Learning
Does your child...
1. Struggle with reading?
2. Have a learning disability?
3. Have anxiety?
4. Have trouble making friends?
5. Have difficulty doing homework or studying for a test?

Professional Services
Reading support
Writing strategies
Academic support (executive function/communication skills)
Math support (strategies)
Social Emotional support (anxiety, stress)
Partner in Learning is committed to finding out where your child is at in the learning process before designing lessons tailored to each child's needs.
We offer the following assessments:
1. Literacy Grade Level Assessment
2. Student Learning Needs
3. Multiple Intelligences Checklist
4. Student Interest & Inventory
5. Child/Parent intake form

Education Plan
After assessment is complete, an education plan is created with specific learning goals in all areas of development; intellectual, emotional and social. Student and family input in this process is key to creating an effective education plan.
Language & Math Tutoring
Hands-on, multi-sensory lessons tailored to each student's learning needs and goals are offered. In addition, lessons to boost a student's self-confidence, self-esteem and help navigate different social situations are available.

Get in Touch